The security of your money and your personal information are our top priorities. We are pleased to offer Secure E-Mail as another way for you to communicate with us online. While our online banking function is highly secure, regular Internet e-mail is not. Your messages travel in “plain text” across many networks to reach their destinations, and they are subject to prying eyes all along the way. Since confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, you should never use regular e-mail to send sensitive information, including account numbers, passwords, or your Social Security Number.

With Marine Bank’s Secure E-Mail system, messages can be stored on a secure server rather than travelling across unsecure networks. If we need to send you a secure message, it will be stored in our data center. You will receive a notification via regular e-mail, and that notification will include a link to our data center, where you will need to log on to and verify your identity to obtain access to the message. Similarly, you will be able to log on to the data center with a password via our website, where you can compose a message to send to us securely.

Go to our Secure e-mail system.