Follow Through With Your Goals!

12/22/2016 Brooke Thomas

While goals are easy to make, we sometimes forget to reserve energy to invest in the long-term commitment it takes to achieve them. If you’re anything like me, you charge full-steam ahead and then find yourself completely exhausted while still miles away from reaching your goal.



Learn how to follow through with your New Year’s resolutions and goals throughout the entire year with the tips below:

“Instead of spreading your efforts on each and every goal on your list, focus your energy on the top two or three goals.”

Consider all of the things you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t gotten around to doing yet. Have you been thinking about skydiving? Trying to spend more time with your family? Or trying to get your budget in order?

Whatever your goals may be and however many you might have, doesn’t matter. Write all of them down and then prioritize each one. Instead of spreading your efforts on each and every goal on your list, focus your energy on the top two or three goals.

“…decide if you really want to accomplish your goals.”

Now that you know which goals are the most important, decide if you REALLY want to accomplish them.

Want to stop smoking? What will you do when your coworker asks you to have a smoke with them? Want to spend more time with your kids? How will you respond when your boss asks you to do whatever it takes to get that important project done? 

Putting yourself in those moments of great difficulty and temptation ahead of time will help you decide if you really want to accomplish your goals. Check out our blog on How to Master Mental Toughness to learn the habits of overcoming difficult obstacles.

“…create smaller achievement marks along the way to celebrate as you head toward your main goals.”

Now that you’ve decided which goals you are most motivated about, break down and layer your goals. Instead of sprinting toward the end goal, create smaller achievement marks along the way to celebrate as you head toward your goals.

Each time you reach your smaller goals, recognize that success. You’re heading in the right direction and that calls for celebration.

“Don’t set an expectation of perfection…”

Remember to have self-compassion. For the most part, you should be stepping forward as you work to achieve your goals, but there will be times when you take a few steps back and that’s alright. Don’t set an expectation of perfection because perfection usually equals failure. Set an expectation of succeeding.

Bonus tips:

Surround yourself with a great support system of people that will hold you accountable. Having people that will help you stay on track can play a vital role in whether or not you succeed.

Start saying no to the things that don’t help you reach your goal. Every “yes” means a “no” to something else, so think hard before you make commitments that might steer you away from accomplishing your goals.

Laugh at yourself! Have the ability to smile instead of taking yourself too seriously. You will make mistakes, people will see it, people will forgive it, and you need to forgive yourself.

Don’t give up. You may veer from the path and have some failures, but stick with it and don’t give up!

Following through with your goals takes much more than simply identifying what you want. It’s about figuring out how to get there and maintaining your motivation on your way. By following the tips above, you will start on the right path toward accomplishing the goals you set for yourself. 

So, what goals are you going to achieve in 2018? 

Written by: Brooke Thomas