5 Tips to Nail Your Next Interview

2/5/2019 Michelle Graven

Job interviewing can be difficult. You feel like you’re on display trying to sell yourself and think of all of your skills while also trying to remember to maintain an upbeat and enthusiastic demeanor through it all. It’s stressful!  The good news is, you’re already heading in the right direction by doing a little research reading interview related articles like this one. A little preparation goes a long way in helping you feel more comfortable when the interview day comes giving you more confidence during the interview. Below are 5 quick tips on how to better prepare yourself for your next interview so you can leave a great impression on your interviewers.

Don’t Bad Mouth Your Old Boss

While you may have had issues with your old boss, complaining about them in your interview is not going to get you a new job. Don’t talk about how your previous boss or peers were difficult or impossible get along with.  Talking negative about your old boss can leave interviewers with the impression that you might be someone who struggles to get along with others or worse, loves to gossip. And that means you can potentially be a problem. Be honest, but focus on the positives. Talk about ways you want to grow and how a move will be great for both you and the new company. Turn those negative experiences into positive valuable lessons. This will make a great impression during your interview.

Do Basic Research on the Employer

Some of the most popular first questions are “Why do you want to work here?” and “How did you learn about this opening?” Do your homework so you know the answers to these questions before the interview. This will show that you are prepared and a strong candidate. Include what you have learned about the company in some of your answers to questions as well. This demonstrations that you care about this position and really are interested. Topics to research include a company’s services/products, history, mission, culture and information on the industry itself. You can easily find this information on a company’s website and social media sites. While researching, find some common interview questions to make sure you come prepared with strong answers. You will sound more articulate and poised if you rehearse instead of fumbling your way through. Also, don’t forget to do some research on your interviewer. Check to see if you can find something you have in common. It’s an easy way to make you and your interviewer feel more comfortable.

Be Confident Not Arrogant

You’re there to sell yourself, right? Yes, but don’t come off as someone who has a big ego. Everyone knows that no one’s perfect so don’t be afraid to let the interviewer know if you don’t have the answer or to talk about your weaknesses. Someone who tries to portray themselves as “perfect,” can look disingenuous. Be upbeat and positive, but don’t pretend to be something you’re not. Present the best you have to offer. For example, when you’re talking about work you did as a team, use “we” instead of “I.”  People are looking to hire a team player. Your body language is also a big component of portraying confidence. Sit up straight, look the person in the eye and don’t forget to smile! You can show your intelligence while still being respectful.

Be Polite To Everyone You Meet

Politeness is an instant likable trait. The more your interviewer enjoys you, the more they may be willing to overlook flaws because they know that your personality will be a positive contribution to the rest of the staff. Say hello and goodbye to everyone who you interact with, including the front desk staff, security personnel and anyone you come across during your time at the company. Your potential employer may ask for their feedback. Always keep a smile on your face and be friendly.

Remember To Say Thank You

Always thank your interviewer for their time and the opportunity after your interview is over. Follow up by writing a thank-you note and send to all who were involved in the interview. The note should be customize by including references from the interview. Maybe there was something that you got excited about or interested to hear, include it. Handwritten notes are have a personal touch and stand out more, but you can send an email. Be sure to keep it short and sweet. Whichever method you choose, send it within 48 hours after the interview.

The last tip, take a deep breath and exhale slowly before heading in. This will help calm those nerves and relax. You’re going to do great! Good Luck!